Today the City celebrates the anniversary of the discovery of The Cave by the first Founders. The Guilds were not structured as they are today, but the most prestigious ones were already present and active…
❄ A few hundred years ago, Master Lahuàn was treading the foot of the ridge overlooking the cavity dug by this vast Edifice which still radiates to us today: The Hearth. There are few written traces of this event… but the date remains engraved in our memories. It is likely that on this occasion the council of elders made Kwod a Master CryoArchitect!
Ai-Den (Cryoarchitects ❄
Happy 4th of July to our American backers! 🎆
In this monthly update of July, we’ll be officially announcing our new game, reminding everyone you can play I C E right now, as well as looking at a production chart of everything that we have cooking. 😊
Enjoy the read and please feel free to post any question in the comments section!
Our newsletter subscribers were the very first to hear this announcement last week (wanna be the first to hear things about This Way! too? Be sure to subscribe at the bottom of our website HERE).
We would like to give a huge thanks to all of our community members who took the time to vote on the name of our upcoming game:
F O U N D E R S — we are super excited for this title, as it’s just perfect for the game that we’re designing, and it was one of the many ideas we had floating around for a while (thanks to backer @Surhin for also mentioning it and getting it officially on the list of names to vote on).
Take a look at this stunning artwork by Léonard Dupond! (top of the page)
We love it so much! What do you think? Let us know in the comments!
You can find the official BoardGameGeek page HERE.
Plus, a video teaser is coming soon — so stay tuned!
We were hoping to also have the Kickstarter signup page already available as well, but per Kickstarter rules we are not allowed to do so until our first project, I C E, begins fulfillment. (This is a great rule to protect backers, but changes our plans somewhat).
It’s ideal to have a KS preview page up months prior to a launch, in order to get as many subscribes as possible — but with this rule, we would only have weeks. Because of this, we are changing F O U N D E R’s launch date on KS from this December to February, 2023.
Please note this is NOT due to any change in expected delivery of our 1st game (we’re still on target for backers to get games this year), but we want to give our next game the best chance of a bigger launch. So be sure to mark February 7th on your calendars now!
The very last of the I C E production files that were needed have gone to our manufacturer, Panda Games. Pre-production is happening, and we’re hoping to possibly show some samples as early as our next update. (C’mon Panda!) 🐼 🙏🏻
In the meantime, check out the final designs we sent for our 7 Guilds in the game:

Unless this crazy world throws us more unexpected disasters/pandemics (please no, we could all use a break), we are still on course for I C E to be delivered to backers in Q4 of this year.
If you prefer a more visual look of how the progress is going on all of our games, here’s a handy-dandy chart:

We know it’s still a long wait to play the physical game, but we’ve learned there are still many of you unaware that I C E is available NOW on Tabletop Simulator. We just want to remind you once again that the full game can be found there. The player boards are all updated there now as well. (The only things not yet updated are the custom shapes of meeples — but hey… we need something for you to look forward to with the actual game!) 😜
Feel free to use our DISCORD channel to try and schedule games with others in your timezone. Who knows, maybe one of us (Hugo, Samson or Anton) might even be free to join a game or help out!
We’ll also be announcing some private playtests for F O U N D E R S on Discord in the coming months, so be sure to look out for those, if you’re interested in testing out (and possibly influencing) our next game. 😊